Category: Uncategorized

  • activity pub

    I’m trying to confirm that the activity pub plugin is working to send my posts to mastodon followers. Not much to see here.

  • Post from mobile

    When I launched this blog a while back I had every intention of making regular posts. The idea was to talk to the world and share with family and friends from a place within our own control as opposed to the various social media platforms trying to make a buck off of everyone using their…

  • A brief paws


  • Back to Blogging

    It’s still early days, but we are coming back to blogging. This time it’s going to be a shared blog, for both myself and Marcella. We hope to share the things we are doing and interested in. Likely this will involve kitties, bicycling, things we are reading, concerts or shows we might attend, any artwork…

  • Hello MiningSunshine Friends

    Welcome to MiningSunshine! This is the home of Marcella and Brian.